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It was not easy! 🤣

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This is some determination right there! In this LD compo build, the main difference between the difficulty levels is an enemy progression.

Easy becomes quite hard on 25-35 minute of the game. So if you didn’t manage to win before that, it’s hell on Earth basically. Therefore, you outdamaged the hard-difficulty waves, which is impressive. This blocking-your-own-troops tactic is interesting.

These difficulties were added in the last minutes to make the default playthrough at least a bit easier. I tested the game on normal all the time and it takes 15-20 minutes to win there. Hard difficulty is ~impossible, but I can get close to the victory. I can beat it on Hard if I cheese the game a bit, but it’s not as interesting. :)





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You are impressive! :D


Very fun game ! It reminded me of the good old days of Starcraft 2 mods ! Really very cool ! There is also so much material to take the project further! GG :D

My personal inspiration comes from the game called “What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?”

It’s sad that this game is mostly known in Japan. I played it a ton.

The only downside I had with it is how confusing the mechanics were. It felt like the player didn’t have enough control over the game.


This concept is what i was looking for in tower defense genre! It so inspiring thinking of what it could become outside the jam!


This is very cool game, i got fun in play this! You are genius!

Thank you and you’re welcome. :)

I’m planning to make it a full game once the jam is over and when I’m ready to switch my main project. :)